It's not the first place anyone thinks of when it comes to coral reefs. But, the UAE environmental agency is just as concerned as the rest of us when it comes to preserving our corals!
After suffering a 73% loss of their corals in the United Arab Emirates coastal reefs by 2017 from a mass bleaching event, the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD), is doing something about it.
On June 8th, 2021, World Ocean Day, the EAD launched a project aiming to culture one million coral colonies in Emirate waters by fragging healthy samples, and moving these frags to a protected "nursery" in the coastal waters of Abu Dhabi. Researchers are hopeful that this effort will continue the recovery, which has already been estimated at 10% to 18% since 2017. With all of the devastation heard about our diminishing reefs worldwide, recovery projects like theses are exciting news!
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